This time I will share how to create a welcome message when a blog entry with a background that covers the entire look of the blog with a button to eliminate it like in the picture below or just try the demo.
CSS Code
#welcomebox {position:fixed;top:5%;left:50%;width:70%;margin-left:-35%;z-index:1000000;text-align:center;}For the background you can replace with your own pictures, please use an image with large dimensions but try to have a small size (under 100kb) in order not to interfere with loading blog.
#welcomebox p{color:#fff;font-size:150%;line-height:1.6em;margin:-5px 0 50px;}
.welcomeclose {background:#bbb;color:#111;border-radius:3px;padding:4px 10px;text-align:center;margin:0 auto;cursor:pointer;display:inline;}
.welcomeclose:hover {background-color:#aaa}
#welcomeoverlay {position:fixed !important;position:absolute; z-index:999999;top:0px;right:0px;bottom:0px;left:0px;background:#005629 url( no-repeat top center;}
HTML code
Keep right under the code <body><div id='welcomeoverlay'/>For the message please adjust to your liking. Good luck.
<div id='welcomebox'>
<p>“Marhaban Ya Ramadhan”<br/>
Saya, Adhy Suryadi selaku admin Kompi Ajaib mengucapkan<br/>
"Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa,<br/>
semoga kita selalu diberkahi di bulan yang penuh mahrifah ini...amin."</p>
<div class='welcomeclose' onclick='document.getElementById("welcomebox").style.display="none";"none";'>Continue Reading →</div>
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To insert a link, use tag
To insert the code , use the tag
<i rel="code">your-code</i>
The long code can use the tag
<i rel="pre">your-long-code</i>
To insert an image , use the code
[img]URL Image[/img]
To insert a title , use tag
<b rel="h4">Your Title here...</b>
To creat Bold text
<strong>Your text here...</strong>
To create Italic text used tag
<em>Your text here...</em>